So what am I up to now - I'm planning my next trip - May 2011. I'm off to Vietnam this time. But a slight change this year - I'm going with a group. I loved my solo trip, but I decided this time to go with other people. So, I've booked with VUDA and what a fabulous itinerary Kylee has planned for us. There will be twelve of us on the trip, ladies only, so watch this space, as I report on our adventures.
On the countdown - the other day we got an email from Kylee saying 92 sleeps till we go. So much to do -
Visa to organise (I've filled in the paperwork, and have my passport all ready to post off)
Vaccines to have (I've been to see the Travel Doctor - have made my appointments - ouch - need Hep A, a Hep B booster and Rabies - watch out for mad dogs and monkeys) Start those on the 25th Feb - need three rabies then a blood test four weeks later to check it's taken. Sure hope it takes otherwise I will run out of time. After 2 series of Hep B when I was nursing, I still don't have immunity!!!! Wonder if that has anything to do with my squiffy LFT's????
I've organised my medications - you know the stuff - antibiotics, anti-malarial, and my anti-allergy stuff. I'm a bit worried about the allergy to seafood so Dr Nick has given me plenty of anti-histamines and prednisone to carry, plus I've got my allergy cards written in Vietnamese, so I should be okay. I'll carry a few of my Kate Morgan Meal Replacements as well for the days I'm a bit anxious about the food and the cross contamination issue.
My spending money is all saved and sitting in the bank gaining interest. Will get my US money card organised soon, and the 25th February is D-Day for paying the balance to Kylee. How's that for a great birthday present to myself. A trip to Vietnam.
I've got my new phone (the latest Nokia -thank you Roxy) early this time so I can learn how to use the camera and the GPS before I go, I've got an external hard-drive to download all my Italy stuff from my notebook so that I can start with a clean slate, and I've got my Kindle. Yehaa. I love my kindle and already I have downloaded a couple of books for reading on the plane, and will get the Lonely Planet downloaded, will get a copy out of the library and then I will be able to mark the appropriate pages on my Kindle. How's that for organised.
I've already got a phrase book and the Insight Guide to Vietnam which I have marked with things to see and do, and I've downloaded heaps of info from the web.
So now, all I have to do is wait - Now only 81 more sleeps.